Our teams
Stefan EXNER
Head of CBDL Patentanwälte, Patentanwalt
Office : Munich
+49 (0)89 2554 2940
- Patentanwalt (German Patent Attorney)
- European Patent Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
- UPC Representative
Fields of expertise
- Contract
- Designs
- IP litigation
- IP management
- IP strategy
- Patents
- Trademarks
- All industrial sectors
- Chemistry
- Cosmetics
- Electricity/Electronics
- Materials
- Mechanics/Physics
Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Philipps University of Marburg.
Stefan EXNER is a German and European Patent Attorney and a German and European Trademark and Design Attorney.
He advises companies in obtaining, enforcing and defending their IP, as well as carrying out freedom-to-operate studies.
Stefan has a research background in biochemistry including a postdoctoral research in Japan. He joined Beau de Loménie in 2006.
He has been committed to the education in our profession over many years as a lecturer in a preparatory course for the European Qualifying Examination for patent attorneys of the FernUniversität in Hagen and as a member of the examining committee for the German qualifying examination for patent attorneys.
Languages : English, French, German, Japanese