Our clients
International based clients
Beau de Loménie is a PanEuropean IP firm with a worldwide standing. Its Clients are located in Europe, Asia and North America.
Some of them have been renewing their trust for over 40 years. Whatever their country of origin, we assist them all with the highest standards of quality and the same responsiveness.
Clients of all sizes
Clients from all industrial sectors
Trademarks, Designs, Copyright, Domain names
All industrial sectors
Patents - Chemistry/BiPharm/Biotechnology
Cosmetic products, Pharmaceuticals, Polymer chemistry, Biology, Genetic engineering, Chemical engineering, Materials science, Biotechnology
Patents - Mechanical
Physics, Mechanical engineering, Materials engineering, Hydraulics, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Civil engineering, Metallurgy, Medical and Surgical devices
Patents – Electronics
Electronic instruments and systems, Electrotechnics, Control systems, Process controls, Electricity, Power supply and interruption, Microelectronics
Patents - IT/Telecom
Telecommunications and computer networks, Software and Computing, Smart cards, Signal processing, Optics, Cryptography