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Jeanne FRÈRE

European Patent Attorney

Office : Paris
+33 (0)1 44 18 89 00


  • Diploma from CEIPI
  • European Patent Attorney
  • UPC Representative

Fields of expertise

  • Patents


  • Materials
  • Electricity/Electronics
  • Mechanics/Physics

– Graduate from Télécom Physique Strasbourg.

– Ph.D. in Signal Processing and Telecommunications (Rennes 1 University).

Jeanne FRERE is European patent attorney in the “Materials Technology, Instruments and Electrotechnics” department at Beau de Loménie.

Jeanne started her career in IP in 2017 at an IP firm before becoming part of Beau de Loménie’s team of patent Attorneys.

Jeanne supports French and foreign companies to obtain patents, mainly assisting with the relevant procedures before the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle-INPI [French National IP Office, ie Patent & Trademark Office], and the European Patent Office-EPO.

Languages : French, English