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Trainee Patent Attorney

Office : Paris
+33 (0)1 44 18 89 00


  • Diploma from CEIPI

Fields of expertise

  • Patents
  • IP litigation
  • IP strategy
  • Patent applications
  • Patent litigation
  • Patent searches
  • Patent strategy


  • Biology
  • Biotechnologies
  • Chemistry
  • Cosmetics
  • Life sciences/Pharmacy
  • Medical devices

– Engineer in Biological Engineering, specialized in Pharmacology and Biotechnology (Polytech Nice Sophia-Antipolis).

Morgane CASSINI is a trainee Patent Attorney in the “Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biology” department at Beau de Loménie, Paris Office. She is a graduate from the CEIPI (2022).

She began her career in IP in 2021 and joined Beau de Loménie in 2023. Morgane supports French and foreign companies seeking to obtain patents, mainly assisting with the relevant procedures before the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle-INPI [French National Industrial Property Institute, ie Patent & Trademark Office], and the European Patent Office–EPO.

Languages : English, French, Italian